× Warning! This overview and the related charts are still work in progress.

Make your choice

Property to visualize What will it show Type of visualization
Period Historical periods covered
Scholarly Critical vs. non-critical projects
Digital How digital projects are
Edition Editions vs. Archives, Databases, Collections, etc.
Language(s) of the source text(s) Language(s) in which the source text(s) are written
Writing support Types of writing support
Audience The target audience of the project
Philological statement Level of editorial documentation
Account of textual variance Type of edition (reproduction of print edition with no variants, reproduction of print edition with variants, born-digital edition)
Value of witnesses Type of witnesses digitally-modelled (i.e. digital/print scholarly edition, digital/print non-scholarly edition, philological primary source)
XML-TEI transcription Projects that encode source text(s) in XML(-TEI)
XML-TEI transcription to download Projects that provide downloadable XML(-TEI)-encoded text(s)
Images The project comes with (high definition) images
Zoomable images Projects providing zoomable images
Image manipulation Projects providing the option to manipulate images (e.g. rotation, brightness, etc.)
Text-image linking Projects providing text-image linking
Source text translation Projects providing a translation of the source text(s)
Website language Projects with multilingual websites/interfaces
Glossary Projects providing glossaries
Indices Projects providing indices
String matching search Projects providing string-search functionality
Advanced search Projects providing advanced search functionality
Creative Commons License Projects protected by a Creative Commons License
Open Access/Source Degree of project openness
Infrastructure Technologies used to build the projects
OCR or keyed? OCR'd vs. manually-transcribed projects
Print-friendly Projects providing a print-friendly view of the text
API "Projects providing APIs (Application Programming Interface)"
RIDE review Projects reviewed in the RIDE journal
Sahle Catalog Indicates whether a digital edition is also present in Patrick Sahle's Catalog of Digital Scholarly Editions