Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q. What are the criteria for inclusion in the Catalogue?

The project is constantly evolving as users request more features and development on the app moves forward. At the moment we don't accept ebooks, any form of commercial digital books or transcriptions made available via Wikisource, but projects whose authorship can be traced back to one or multiple individuals with, if possible, an institutional affiliation (university and/or GLAM institution). We primarily look for digital editions and digital scholarly editions (by which we mean editions with a strong critical component) but people are also beginning to submit digital archives, textual collections where some texts are treated in more detail, etc. It's worth noting that people define their projects in various ways (e.g. a project may define itself as a database when it fact it might be more of a digital archive) using different terms synonymously. This makes it difficult to pick what should be included in our list or not. The line of inclusion in our catalogue is a little blurry but it reflects the fuzziness that comes with these projects.

If you have a project to submit but are unsure about its eligibility for inclusion, feel free to add it to the project's GitHub repository as an issue with the POTENTIAL label and we'll take a look. Our GitHub Wiki lists projects we considered but decided not to include.

Q. Why are there no Asian and/or African digital editions in the Catalogue?

Because the team cannot read those languages and we hesitate to rely on browser translation plugins as any machine translation errors would go unnoticed and possibly lead to incorrect cataloguing. We're eager to fill this gap but need help from users to do so.

Q. Would it be possible to add a text size feature?

Calculating the text size (tokens/types) of every project would require major efforts on our part as this information is almost never published on project websites. If this information were available, we would definitely consider adding the feature to the Catalogue.