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An edition must be critical, must have critical components - a pure facsimile is not an edition, a digital library is not an edition (Patrick Sahle).
A digital edition can not be converted to a printed edition without substantial loss of content or functionality - vice versa: a retrodigitized printed edition is not a Scholarly Digital Edition (but it may evolve into a Scholarly Digital Edition through new content or functionalities) (Patrick Sahle).
An edition must represent its material (usually as transcribed/edited text) - a catalog, an index, a descriptive database is not an edition (Patrick Sahle).
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Year the project ended. If ongoing, leave blank.
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The source text is encoded in XML-TEI.
The XML-TEI encoded text is available for download.
The project comes with images.
The images are zoomable.
The images can be manipulated in some way within the edition (brightness, rotation, etc.).
The transcription and the image are linked so that clicking on a word in the image brings up the corresponding textual token and viceversa.
The language of the website/interface.
The project provides a glossary.
The project provides indices.
The project is protected by a Creative Commons License.
The project adheres to an Open Source/Access policy.
The technologies used to run the project (Drupal, Omeka, MySQL, etc.).
The source text was digitised with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software or manually keyed in.
The project provides a print-friendly view of the text.
The project comes with an API (Application Programming Interface).
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Indicates whether a digital edition is also present in Patrick Sahle's Catalog of Digital Scholarly Editions ( The values 0 [no] or 1 [yes] are used.
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Total results: 86
ID Edition name Institution
208 Digitale Edition und Kommentierung der Tagebücher des Fürsten Christian II. von Anhalt-Bernburg Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel, Universität Freiburg
251 Edition Humboldt Digital Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
261 En el ojo del huracán. Cartas de ultramar a España 1823 Karl-Franzens Universität Graz
216 Faust Edition University of Würzburg, Frankfurter Goethehaus, Klassik Stiftung Weimar
46 Folger Shakespeare Editions Folger Shakespeare Library
322 Gottfried Semper. Critical and Commented Edition ETH Zürich, Università della Svizzera Italiana
50 Henrik Ibsens Skrifter University of Oslo
301 Hermann Bahr – Arthur Schnitzler: Briefwechsel, Aufzeichnungen, Dokumente (1891–1931) Theatermuseum Wien
332 Hermann Bahr – Arthur Schnitzler: Briefwechsel, Aufzeichnungen, Dokumente (1891–1931) Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities at the Austrian Academy of Sciences
92 Inscriptions of Aphrodisias Project University College London, King's College London (Department of Digital Humanities), University of North Carolina, University of Heidelberg
311 Inscriptions of Greek Cyrenaica - Greek Verse Inscriptions of Cyrenaica King's College London, Università degli Studi di Bologna, Université Paris-Sorbonne, Università di Macerata
116 Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine Brown University
333 Inscriptions of Roman Tripolitania (2021) British School at Rome, King's College London, School of Advanced Study
24 Inscriptions of the Northern Black Sea (IOSPE) Russian Academy of Sciences, The State Hermitage, King's College London (Department of Digital Humanities)
210 Je chante ung chant University of Exeter
298 Jean Paul – Sämtliche Briefe digital Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften
218 Johann Christian Senckenberg: Digital Edition of the Diaries Goethe Universität Frankfurt Am Main
243 Johannes Tinctoris: Complete Theoretical Works Birmingham Conservatoire of Birmingham City University
31 Jonathan Swift Archive University of Oxford, King's College London (Department of Digital Humanities), Keele University
157 Lautréamont / Ducasse Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3
207 Les Cours d’Antoine Desgodets CNRS (Centre de théorie et analyse du droit) de l’Université de Paris Nanterre
130 Livingstone Online National Library of Scotland, Royal Museum for Central Africa, King Baudouin Foundation, National Museum of the Royal Navy, Royal Geographical Society, Royal Society, Wellcome Library, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) Library at University of London, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow, Mitchell Library, David Livingstone Centre, University of Manchester, John Rylands University Library, Royal Society of Arts Library
90 Livingstone's 1871 Field Diary Birkbeck College, University of California, Edinburgh Napier University, Rochester Institute of Technology, Indiana University of Pennsylvania
303 Mächtekongresse 1818–1822. Digitale Edition der Dokumente zu den Kongressen von Aachen (1818), Troppau (1820), Laibach (1821) und Verona (1822) Austrian Academy of Sciences
320 Mystische Bücher in der Bibliothek der Kartause Erfurt. Digitale Edition University of Freiburg, University Library Freiburg