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The Papers of Thomas Jefferson

URL The project URL. http://rotunda.upress.virginia.edu/founders/TSJN.html |
Historical Period Historical period to which the source document/text belongs. Early Modern
Long Nineteenth Century
Scholarly Sahle - An edition must have critical components - a pure facsimile is not an edition, a digital library is not an edition. yes
Digital Sahle - A digital edition cannot be converted to a printed edition without substantial loss of content or functionality - vice versa: a retrodigitized printed edition is not a Scholarly Digital Edition (but it may evolve into a Scholarly Digital Edition through new content or functionalities). yes
Edition Sahle - An edition must represent its material (usually as transcribed/edited text) - a catalog, an index, a descriptive database is not an edition. yes
Writing support The nature or materiality of the source text (manuscript, letter, notebook, etc.). Manuscript
Language The language(s) of the source text (three-letter ISO codes used). eng
Begin date Year the project started. 2009
End date Year the project ended. present
Manager Name of project manager(s). James P. McClure
J. Jefferson Looney
Institution Name(s) of institution(s) involved in the project. University of Virginia
Repository of Source Material(s) The institution(s) that house the source text(s). not provided
Audience The project's target audience. not provided
Philological statement
  • 0: No information on the editorial methods and practices nor on the source (digital or printed) of the text.
  • 0.5: Some information about the source, and of the author, date and accuracy of the digital edition.
  • 1: Complete information on the source of the text, as well as on the author, date and accuracy of the digital edition; (Digital Humanities) standards implemented, including modelling, markup language, data structure and software.
  • No information on the source, but some information about the author, date and accuracy of the digital edition.
    Account of textual variance
  • 0: No account of textual variance is given. The digital edition is a reproduction of a given print edition without any account of variants.
  • 0.5: The digital edition is a reproduction of a given print scholarly edition and reproduces the selected textual variants extant in the apparatus criticus of that edition, or: the edition does not follow a digital paradigm, in that the variants are not automatically computable the way they are encoded.
  • 1: This edition is “based on full-text transcription of original texts into electronic form” (vd. Proposition 2 in this article by P. Robinson).
  • False
    Value of witnesses
  • N/A: Not applicable, as no information about the source of the text is given, though it is easily assumable that the source is another digital edition or a printed edition (possibly even a scholarly edition).
  • 0: The only witness modelled digitally is a printed non-scholarly edition, used as a source for the digital edition.
  • 0.5: Same as above, but the witness/source is a scholarly edition.
  • 1: The witnesses are traditional philological primary sources (including manuscripts, inscriptions or papyri).
  • The witnesses are traditional philological primary sources.
    XML-TEI transcription The source text is encoded in XML-TEI. Possible values:
  • 0: no
  • 0.5: partially
  • 1: yes
  • XML-TEI is used
    XML(-TEI) transcription to download The XML(-TEI) encoded text is available for download.
  • 0: no
  • 0.5: partially
  • 1: yes
  • no
    Images The digital edition comes with images. no information provided
    Zoom images The user can zoom in or out of images within the edition. no information provided
    Image manipulation The user can manipulate these images in some way within the edition (brightness, rotation, etc.). no information provided
    Text-image linking The transcription and the image are linked so that clicking on a word in the image brings up the corresponding textual token and viceversa. no information provided
    Website language The language in which the project website is written. Three-letter ISO codes should be used. eng
    Glossary The digital edition provides a glossary. no information provided
    Indices The digital edition provides one or multiple indices. yes
    String matching search The digital edition provides a string matching search functonality. yes
    Advanced search The digital edition provides an advanced search functionality. yes
    Creative Commons License The project is protected by a Creative Commons License. no
    Open Source/Open Access
  • 0: Proprietary, all material is copyrighted. The ‘source’ is closed and not reusable by other research projects. To access the material, users must pay a subscription.
  • 0.5: Same as above, but the subscription is free of charge.
  • 1: Open Access. The texts may be accessed through specific software, but the source is not accessible.
  • 1.5: Open Access and Open Source. Part of the data underlying the digital edition (e.g. text but not images) is freely available for access and reuse.
  • 2: Open Access and Open Source. All data underlying the digital edition is freely available for access, study, redistribution and improvement (reuse).
  • Proprietary, all material is copyrighted. The ‘source’ is closed and not reusable by other research projects. To access the material, users must pay a subscription.
    OCR or keyed The source text was digitised with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software or manually keyed in. Keyed
    Print-friendly view The project provides a print-friendly view of the text (e.g. PDF). not catalogued yet
    Budget How much the project cost, roughly. not provided
    Infrastructure The technologies used to build the digital edition. not catalogued yet
    API The project comes with an API (Application Programming Interface). no
    RIDE review The project has been reviewed in the RIDE Journal. no
    Sahle Catalog Indicates whether a digital edition is also present in Patrick Sahle's Catalog of Digital Scholarly Editions. The values 0 [no] or 1 [yes] are used. no
    handle handle-id http://hdl.handle.net/21.11115/0000-000B-D13A-8
    • Edition
    • Institution
    • Place
    • Person
    • Repository