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last time synced 2024/01/28 13:59:14 by gfranzini
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An edition must be critical, must have critical components - a pure facsimile is not an edition, a digital library is not an edition (Patrick Sahle).
A digital edition can not be converted to a printed edition without substantial loss of content or functionality - vice versa: a retrodigitized printed edition is not a Scholarly Digital Edition (but it may evolve into a Scholarly Digital Edition through new content or functionalities) (Patrick Sahle).
An edition must represent its material (usually as transcribed/edited text) - a catalog, an index, a descriptive database is not an edition (Patrick Sahle).
The nature of the source text (manuscript, letter, notebook, etc.).
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Year the project ended. If ongoing, leave blank.
The target audience of the project (scholars, general public, etc.).
The source text is encoded in XML-TEI.
The XML-TEI encoded text is available for download.
The project comes with images.
The images are zoomable.
The images can be manipulated in some way within the edition (brightness, rotation, etc.).
The transcription and the image are linked so that clicking on a word in the image brings up the corresponding textual token and viceversa.
The language of the website/interface.
The project provides a glossary.
The project provides indices.
The project is protected by a Creative Commons License.
The project adheres to an Open Source/Access policy.
The technologies used to run the project (Drupal, Omeka, MySQL, etc.).
The source text was digitised with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software or manually keyed in.
The project provides a print-friendly view of the text.
The project comes with an API (Application Programming Interface).
Is there a RIDE review?
Indicates whether a digital edition is also present in Patrick Sahle's Catalog of Digital Scholarly Editions ( The values 0 [no] or 1 [yes] are used.
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Total results: 337
ID Edition name Institution
188 The Pérez Galdós Editions Project University of Sheffield
189 The Planctus for William Longsword European University Institute
59 The Proceedings of the Old Bailey University of Sheffield
60 The Richard Brome Project University of Sheffield, Royal Holloway
102 The Royal Inscriptions of the Neo-Assyrian Period University of Pennsylvania
11 The Saint-Aubins "Book of Arses": The Livre de Caricatures tant bonnes que mauvaises Queen Mary University
122 The Shelley-Godwin Archive British Library, Bodleian Library, New York Public Library, Maryland Institute of Technology in the Humanities (MITH), Houghton Library, Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation
32 The St Gall Priscian Glosses National University of Ireland
61 The Svoboda Diary Project University of Washington
2 The Thomas Gray Archive SUB Göttingen, University of Oxford
75 The Vergil project. Resources for Students, Teachers, and Readers of Vergil University of Pennsylvania
108 The Walt Whitman Archive University of Nebraska
232 The Wandering Jew's Chronicle University of Oxford
30 The Workdiaries of Robert Boyle University College London, British Library, Birkbeck College, Royal Society
190 The Zibaldone project University of Birmingham
217 Theodor Fontane: Notizbücher University of Göttingen, SUB Göttingen, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz
323 Thesaurus Inscriptionum Raeticarum University of Vienna
123 Thomas Lovell Beddoes: The Brides' Tragedy University of Maryland
302 travel!digital Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities at the Austrian Academy of Sciences
305 Ulrich Richental die Chronik des Konzils von Konstanz Monumenta Germaniae Historica
241 Ursus from Benevento, De nomine Università degli Studi di Palermo
238 Van Nu en Straks brieven Centrum voor Teksteditie en Bronnenstudie (Koninklijke Academie voor Nederlandse Taal- en letterkunde)
127 Vercelli Book Digitale Università degli Studi di Torino
252 Vespasiano da Bisticci, Lettere Università degli Studi di Bologna
7 Vindolanda Tablets Online University of Oxford