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An edition must be critical, must have critical components - a pure facsimile is not an edition, a digital library is not an edition (Patrick Sahle).
A digital edition can not be converted to a printed edition without substantial loss of content or functionality - vice versa: a retrodigitized printed edition is not a Scholarly Digital Edition (but it may evolve into a Scholarly Digital Edition through new content or functionalities) (Patrick Sahle).
An edition must represent its material (usually as transcribed/edited text) - a catalog, an index, a descriptive database is not an edition (Patrick Sahle).
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The XML-TEI encoded text is available for download.
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The transcription and the image are linked so that clicking on a word in the image brings up the corresponding textual token and viceversa.
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The project provides a glossary.
The project provides indices.
The project is protected by a Creative Commons License.
The project adheres to an Open Source/Access policy.
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The source text was digitised with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software or manually keyed in.
The project provides a print-friendly view of the text.
The project comes with an API (Application Programming Interface).
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Indicates whether a digital edition is also present in Patrick Sahle's Catalog of Digital Scholarly Editions ( The values 0 [no] or 1 [yes] are used.
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Total results: 337
ID Edition name Institution
99 An electronic corpus of 15th century Castillian canconiero manuscripts Universitat de Barcelona, University of Liverpool, University of Birmingham
68 Quijote Interactivo Biblioteca Nacional de España
76 Cantar de mio Cid Biblioteca Nacional de España
204 El Cancionero digital de Gómez Manrique (páginas 11-44) Real Biblioteca del Palacio Real de Madrid
23 Die Glossen Ekkeharts IV. im Codex Sangallensis 621 University of Zürich
118 Decameron Ipertestuale University of Zürich
336 Die Urkunden und Akten des Klosters und des Oberamts Königsfelden University of Zürich, Walter Benjamin Kolleg der Universität Bern
95 e-sequence: Digital Edition of the Saint Gall corpus of Sequences by Notker Balbulus Südwest-Rundfunk Tübingen, University of Fribourg, Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen, Christophorus Records, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut der Universität Tübingen
117 Parzival-Projekt University of Bern
319 Alexander von Humboldt: Sämtliche Schriften digital University of Bern
21 Die Briefwechsel der Mathematiker Bernoulli University of Basel
199 Digitalisierte Edition des Ältesten Appenzeller Landbuchs Swiss Lawyers Society
203 Collection of Swiss Law Sources Swiss Lawyers Society
95 e-sequence: Digital Edition of the Saint Gall corpus of Sequences by Notker Balbulus Südwest-Rundfunk Tübingen, University of Fribourg, Stiftsbibliothek St. Gallen, Christophorus Records, Musikwissenschaftliches Institut der Universität Tübingen
229 Project Tarsian: First Corinthians in Vaticanus Arabicus 13 SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics
16 Samuel Beckett Digital Manuscript Project University of Antwerp, Estate of Samuel Beckett, University of Reading, Harry Ransom Humanities Research Center
3 A critical edition of the poetry of Dafydd ap Gwilym University of Swansea
71 James Mill's Common Place Books University of Sussex, London Library
126 The Newton Project University of Sussex
72 A trial electronic edition of the Preface to 'Ancrene Wisse' for the Early English Text Society University of Southampton, University of Oxford
109 Schenker Documents Online University of Southampton, King's College London (Department of Digital Humanities), Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst
19 Partonopeus de Blois University of Sheffield
26 A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster by John Strype University of Sheffield, University of Nottingham
59 The Proceedings of the Old Bailey University of Sheffield
60 The Richard Brome Project University of Sheffield, Royal Holloway