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last time synced 2024/01/28 13:59:14 by gfranzini
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An edition must be critical, must have critical components - a pure facsimile is not an edition, a digital library is not an edition (Patrick Sahle).
A digital edition can not be converted to a printed edition without substantial loss of content or functionality - vice versa: a retrodigitized printed edition is not a Scholarly Digital Edition (but it may evolve into a Scholarly Digital Edition through new content or functionalities) (Patrick Sahle).
An edition must represent its material (usually as transcribed/edited text) - a catalog, an index, a descriptive database is not an edition (Patrick Sahle).
The nature of the source text (manuscript, letter, notebook, etc.).
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Year the project ended. If ongoing, leave blank.
The target audience of the project (scholars, general public, etc.).
The source text is encoded in XML-TEI.
The XML-TEI encoded text is available for download.
The project comes with images.
The images are zoomable.
The images can be manipulated in some way within the edition (brightness, rotation, etc.).
The transcription and the image are linked so that clicking on a word in the image brings up the corresponding textual token and viceversa.
The language of the website/interface.
The project provides a glossary.
The project provides indices.
The project is protected by a Creative Commons License.
The project adheres to an Open Source/Access policy.
The technologies used to run the project (Drupal, Omeka, MySQL, etc.).
The source text was digitised with Optical Character Recognition (OCR) software or manually keyed in.
The project provides a print-friendly view of the text.
The project comes with an API (Application Programming Interface).
Is there a RIDE review?
Indicates whether a digital edition is also present in Patrick Sahle's Catalog of Digital Scholarly Editions ( The values 0 [no] or 1 [yes] are used.
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Total results: 337
ID Edition name Institution
14 Becerro Galicano of San Millán de la Cogolla Universidad del País Vasco
258 Beethovens Werkstatt University of Paderborn, Beethoven-Haus Bonn, Detmold Hochschule für Musik
9 Bérardier de Bataut, Essai sur le récit, Entretiens sur la manière de raconter University of Würzburg
138 Bernard Muir's CD-ROM facsimile of Bodleian Library MS Junius 11 Bodleian Library
284 Berzsenyi Dániel levelezése Magyar Tudományos Akadémia Könyvtára, Debreceni Egyetem
249 Biblioteca Digital del Pensamiento Novohispano Facultad de Filosofía y Letras Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
231 Bibliotheca Iuris Antiqui (BIA) Istituto di Teoria e Tecniche dell’Informazione Giuridica (ITTIG-CNR)
250 Bliss-Tyler Correspondence Dumbarton Oaks
103 Book of Margery Kempe British Library, Southeastern Louisiana University
248 Briefe und Texte aus dem Intellektuellen Berlin um 1800 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
240 Briefwechsel Sauer-Seuffert Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, University of Hamburg
139 Candide 2.0 New York Public Library
76 Cantar de mio Cid Biblioteca Nacional de España
89 Carl-Maria-von-Weber-Gesamtausgabe University of Paderborn, Staatsbibliothek Berlin Preußischer Kulturbesitz
12 Catullus Online Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
106 Chopin's First Editions Online Österreichische Nationalbibliothek, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina, Royal Holloway, King's College London (Department of Digital Humanities), British Library, Bodleian Library, University of Chicago Library, New York Public Library
40 Christine de Pizan: The Making of the Queen's Manuscript University of Edinburgh
140 Chronik des Gettos Łódź / Litzmannstadt Staatsarchive Łódź
326 Clara Katharina Pollaczek: Arthur Schnitzler und ich. Digitale Ausgabe Austrian Centre for Digital Humanities at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Wienbibliothek im Rathaus
82 Claudii Claudiani Carmina Latina N/A
226 Clavius on the Web Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale (ILC), Archivio Storico della Pontificia Università Gregoriana, Istituto di Informatica e Telematica (IIT)
141 Clotel by William Wells Brown University of Virginia
10 Codex Sinaiticus St. Catherine's Monastery, Leipzig University Library, National Library of Russia, British Library
84 Codice Diplomatico della Lombardia Medievale Università degli Studi di Pavia
212 Codice Pelavicino Università degli Studi di Torino, Università degli Studi di Genova, Università di Pisa